2). Next, form blisters with fluid or pus; colour turns transparent or yellow or green; still painful and itchy;
4). Scabs drop off itself and healed; no more pain and itchiness. All these likely to take 6 to 7days to get well if shingles herpes zoster sufferer takes TCM Chinese herbal medicine, apply herbal plastering and acupuncture. Otherwise it will take longer.
Why Shingles Externally Healed But Pain Still Persists?
Postherpetic Neuralgia is a complication of shingles, which is caused by the chickenpox virus. Postherpetic Neuralgia affects nerve fibers and skin, causing burning pain that lasts long after the rash and blisters of shingles disappear.
1) Pain that lasts 3 months or longer after the shingles rash has healed. The associated pain has been discribed as burning, sharp and jabbing or deep and aching;
2) Sensitivity to light touch. People with the postherpetic neuralgia condition often can't bear even the touch of clothing on the affected skin (allodynia);
3) Itching and numbness. Less commonly, postherpetic neuralgia sometimes caused an itchy feeling or numbness.
How TCM Physician Chinese Doctor Cured Shingles Postherpetic Neuralgia 带状疱疹后遗证(生蛇) (after Shingles)
Shingles getting better
Note: swelling had subsided too.
Shingles getting better
Shingles on the Arm
Shingles appear on the arm is very rare. A man came to our clinic complaining he has shingles on his arm. It happened only a few days. It spread to his whole arm with red blisters filled with yellow/white fluid inside. It was very painful for him. He took Western medicine, but the redness and blisters did not seem to go away. So he came to our clinic to seek alternate treatment. His case recovered very fast (about a week).
There was another young kids, 10 yrs old, also had shingles on his arm came with his father to our clinic. The shingles appeared in his whole arm with red blister filled with yellow fluid too. However, he also recovered very fast (also about a week). Though he was very young, he was prepared to have acupuncture and take herbal medicine.This was because we told him that acupuncture is less painful than the pain of shingles.
Although we have seen a number of cases of shingles appearing on young kids, but these kind of cases were very rare. Normally, shingles seldom attack young kids. Cases like these are very rare.
Shingles on the Forehead and Around the Eyes
There were also a number of cases of shingles which grew around the eye (usually on one side of the eyes) where vision were slightly blurred during the onset of shingles. When the shingles get well, the vision became clear again. So, do not worry if you have shingles on or around the eyes area.
Shingles on the Chest
An elderly lady came to see me and looked very worried. She said she had shingle on her chest area. They were hot sensation on the shingles area. They were painful, itchy and very uncomfortable. She could not sleep well at night. After a few sessions of acupuncture treatments and TCM medication (about 6 days), the shingles subsided and she got well, no more pain and itchiness.
Shingles on the Waist
Shingles on the waist
Shingles with pus
Shingles on the waist with pus
All photos on this blog are copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.
An 85 years old man came to see me and complained that he suffered from shingles for one month. He had seen a western doctor (GP) at the onset of shingles. He was prescribed a few types of western medicine. He said now his shingles seemed to have gotten well externally. But he still has pain especially at night and needed to take painkiller. He said the pain was very disturbing during the night. Besides the acute pain, it felt like ants were wriggling under the shingles. He had to take painkiller every day.
I told him that the discomfort and pain can be cured by acupuncture and herbal plastering. No burning of skin is necessary. Most people got well within a week (or less in some cases). He came every day for 6 days and gradually the pain and discomfort disappeared.
Front View
1)Skin Diase:Eczema ,Prosiasis , Hives, Shingle, Acne;
2)Neck Pai, Back Pain, Knee Pain;
3) Stroke
4)Hair Loss
5) Cancer, Tumur 癌症, 肿瘤;
6)Infertility, Menstrual Issues,Endometrisis,PCOS;
7)Gastric, Acid Reflux, Bloatedness, Ulcer;
8)Irritable Bowel Syndrome;
9)Frozen Shoulder, Trigger Fingers;
10)Vertigo ;
12)Anal Fistula;
13)Parkinson’s Disease;
14)Bell's palsy;
15)Trigeminal Neuralgia;
16) Sleep Apnea
17) Scrotum Itchiness
18) Dry Eye, Gluacoma, Myopia;
19) Age-related Macular Degeneration,
20) Sprin and Injury;
1)皮肤科: 湿疹, 牛皮癣, 风膜,带状疱疹, 痤疮, 天疱疮;
2)颈椎病, 腰椎病, 膝盖痛;
5) 癌症, 肿瘤
6) 妇科病: 不孕不育, 月经病病,子宫内膜异位症,PCOS;
7) 肠胃病: 胃气上腻,胃胀气;
8) 肠胃激惹综合症;
9) 肩周炎, 弹响指;
10) Vertigo 眩晕;
11)Piles 痔疮;
12)Anal Fistula肛周脓肿;
13)Parkinson 帕金森;
14)Bell's palsy口眼喎斜;
15)Trigeminal Neuralgia三叉神经痛;
16)Sleep Apnea睡眠呼吸暂停;
18)Scrotum Itchiness 睾丸瘙痒;
19)眼科: 老年性黄斑病变, 干眼症, 青光眼,抖鸡眼,近视眼;
Item Name | Unit Price | Comments | |
CONSULTATION FEES | $20.00 | First consultation | |
CONSULTATION FEES - LONG | $20.00 - 50.00 | Longer consultations may cost more | |
HERBAL MEDICINE (1X A DAY) | $4.80 - 5.50 | ||
HERBAL MEDICINE (2X A DAY) | $9.00 - 9.80 | ||
HERBAL MEDICINE (3X A DAY) | $12.00 - 13.80 | ||
HERBAL CREAM PER TUB | $10.00 - 25.00 | Depends on quantity | |
HERBAL WASH PER PACK | $12.00 - 16.00 | Depends on herbs used | |
HERBAL PLASTERING | $10.00 - 40.00 | Depends on size of plaster and herbs used | |
HERBAL POWDER for external use | $10.00 - 30.00 | Depends on weight (30gm, 60gm or 100gm) and herbs used | |
Q OIL for external use | $15.00 | ||
BANDAGE for SPRAIN | $15.00-20.00 | |
TCM Treatment Charges 诊所收费表 |
Item Name | Single Time | Package | Package Description |
ACUPUNCTURE STANDARD 针灸 | $40-50 | $400.00 | 10 sessions |
ACUPUNCTURE COMPREHANSIVE 针灸 | $50-55 | $450.00 | 10 sessions |
60 MIN TUI-NA 推拿理疗 | $60.00 | $560.00 | 10 sessions |
60 MIN MI GUAN 秘罐 | $66.00 | $600.00 | 10 sessions |
60 MIN MI GUAN PLUS TUI GUAN JIU 秘罐+推罐灸 | $66.00 | $600.00 | 10 sessions |
60 MIN TUI GUAN JIU 推罐灸 | $72.00 | $660.00 | 10 sessions |
SLIMMING (ACUPUNCTURE ONLY) | $70.00 | $680.00 | 10 sessions of acupuncture for 1 month (without medicine) |
SLIMMING (MEDICINE ONLY; 1 WEEK MEDICINE) | $70.00 | $260 | Medicine for 1 week; no package |
HAIR LOSS (MASSAGE AND ACUPUNCTURE ONLY) | $73.00 | $540.00 | Lotion massage plus 8 sessions of acupuncture for 1 month (without medicine) |
HAIR LOSS (MASSAGE, ACUPUNCTURE & MEDICINE) | $800.00 | Lotion massage and 8 sessions of acupuncture for 1 month (with medicine for 4 weeks) | |
Lymphatic Massage 淋巴推拿 | S$80 first time only | $880 | 10 sessions |
CUPPING | $20.00 | NA | No package |
CUPPING (ADDITIONAL) | $10.00 | NA | No package |
SCRAPPING SIMPLE | $20 | NA | No package |
NECK TRACTION | $20 | NA | No package |
AI JIU HE 艾灸盒 | $15.00 | NA | No package |
Our company reserves the right to revise charges without notice.
Concession may be given to deserving cases
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