

Best TCM Doctors for Neck Pain, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Trigger Fingers, Frozen Shoulder, Headache etc

We have a very good team of physician who are good in the treatment of Neck Pain, lumbar pain, Knee Pain, Trigger Fingers, Frozen Shoulder, Headache etc  We append herewith the most common pain suffer by most people:                                                                                                           
            Cervical Spondylosis 颈椎病  NECK PAIN 颈项痛

Many people have suffered from neck pain, whether they are young of old.  All working adults are on computer almost 8-10 hours a day.  Young people can recover from neck pain very fast. But the older folks recovered much slower.  That is because the degeneration of vertebrae set in as they grow older.  The degeneration can be shown on the X-ray or MRI.  According to the western doctors, nothing can be done except to opt for surgery.
According to TCM theory, we have identify  three types of cervical degenerations:
1) Cervical Spondylosis 颈椎病型;
2) Cervical Spondylosis Carotid Type 颈椎病颈动脉型;
3)  Myeloid Spondylosis  脊髓型

According to the statistic research, of those who suffer from cervical degeneration, about 75% belongs to Cervical Spondylosis 颈椎病型, 20% belongs to Cervical Spondylosis Carotid Type 颈椎病颈动脉型 and 5% belongs to Myeloid Spondylosis  脊髓型

The first type is milder and it is most common.  The second type is less common. The third type can be very serious and usually surgery is not an option due to the severe degeneration.

What is the Cause of Slipped Disc?
The cause of slipped disc is because of herniation, as a result it pinches on the nerve root. 
椎间盘狭窄是因为椎间盘气虚乏力, 椎间盘扁了, 体积扩大了, 压迫旁边的神经

Where to go when you have neck pain or lumbar pain?
Many neck pain and lumbar pain sufferers are not sure where to get the best treatments, they are people who choose to go to chiropractic treatments or TCM acupuncture treatments, some may also go for TCM massage and herbal medicine!  

Chiropractor will do adjustments whereas TCM will do acupuncture, manipulation and prescribe herbal medicine to strengthen the muscle and bones.
Chiropractor charges are not cheap.  They are also doing a good job by doing adjustments of your spines.
What we TCM can do for you when you have neck pain or lumbar pain?
我们中医可以调回脊椎骨, 就是通过柔筋骨顺, 使脊椎骨回复正位!
TCM have many methods in treating cervical spondylosis. We can do acupuncture, traction, massage, manipulation to relief the tensions as well as the discomfort on the neck.  Most importantly, we also provide herbal medicine to prevent them from  further deterioration.  It is not just doing the adjustments, we also need to make sure that we nourish their spinal cord and their muscles, so that as they grow older, they can still maintain good bones and healthy spinal cords. 

TCM will do by softening your muscles, we called it "筋柔骨顺".  Our method is slow but it helps to slowly adjusting your spines in place! 

When the muscles are stiff and tight, the spines/bones are likely to be slowly go out of alignments!  When we TCM loosen 松筋 the muscles, after a few times, gradually, the spines will be straightened in place again.  When our muscles are loosen 松了, the bones will go back to its position "筋柔骨顺"

Why some people who have cervical spondylosis or lumbar spondylosis, prolapsed or narrowing of vertebrae, slip disc, stenosis, herniation can get well, what is the reason? 
为什么有些人有颈椎病, 腰椎病或椎间盘狭窄压迫神经可以得到缓解改善?
The arrowing or prolapse of the vertebrae can be recovered by taking Chinese herbal medicine, thus reduce the pain and discomfort of the neck cervical or lumbar spondylosis. 
椎间盘狭窄压迫神经是可以通过中药补气补血,强筋骨,滋补肝肾而提升, 恢复原状。
中药如杜仲, 金狗脊, 怀牛膝 都有很好得疗效。 

Our  herbal medicine has the following benefits:
1) to improve the blood supply and also to enhance circulation in the neck area. 
2) to nourish the vertebrae, discus, corpus and muscles 
    滋养脊椎, 椎间盘, 椎骨体, 肌肉,  ;
3) to soften the bone spurs (软化骨刺) 
    and also to reduce the bone spurs formation (消骨刺);
4) to enhance meridian 通12条经脉, 
    relief their tension and stiffness 松筋解痉。

Clinical Cases
The following are cervical cases who came to see our team of physicians:
This patient had undergone an surgery in 2011.  He showed me an X-r ay where stainless steel bars and screws were inserted on the neck (cervical Vertebrae).  He said that his neck pain recurred as he was on his computer work for a long time. He requested for acupuncture treatment for his neck pain.  He said that he realized that although C1, C2 and C3 had good support after the surgery, but now his C4 and C5 were narrowed and giving him pain. After going through an operation, he was hesitant to go for a second surgery!

A patient with back pain receiving heat treatment and TCM acupuncture



A picture of a nurse who went for an operation two years ago. She had recurrence of pain and came in a wheelchair

Do You Still Have Pain after Surgical Operation for Lumbar Spondylosis?

On June 2011, a nun, age 65, who suffered very bad back pain, came to see me. She had a lumbar operation two years back.  After the operation, she was better, the pain is gone.  For about 2 weeks, she had very bad pain on her lumbar and she could not even walk properly. Her colleague was so helpful that she accompanied her to my clinic. She came in a wheelchair. 

I looked at her X-ray, quite a few bars were placed in her vertebrae.  I gave her acupuncture, heat treatment, herbal plastering and TCM Chinese herbal medicine. I told her to come for treatment every 3 days. She felt better after the 2nd week.  She could walk properly and without pain after the 3rd week.                                                                     Below is her X-Ray:

Our TCM clinic Physicians have treated many patients who had pain after lumbo-sacral operation.
For some patients had pain re-occurred few months after the operation, while the other patients had pain after two to three years. This could be due to the degeneration of other vertebral discs.

How TCM Treat Neck Pain (Cervical Spondylosis)?

Almost every day our clinics have patients who came to see us for their low back pain or neck pain.  It is very common for people to have low back pain or neck pain. Our team of physicians are focusing on such pain treatments. We observed that neck pain is more common than low back pain. The ratio is about 10 : 4. Both cases can cause a lot of discomfort to the patients. It can be very torturous with such ache and pain.  Particularly in the case of neck pain, the sufferers feel that their neck is lack of strength and could not support their head well. They find that they cannot sit in front of their computers for more than three hours. The discomfort and neck pain became more severe if they sit too long on their work.

                                        We use heat treatment and acupuncture for neck pain.

                  The following are some of the Spinal Cord Manipulation and adjustment methods our 
                   physicians do.



Symptoms and Cause of Neck Pain (Cervical Spondylosis)

In most cases, patients experience a pain or stiffness in the neck, particularly after a night's rest. Movement of the neck may make the pain worse. There are cases where the pain spreads to the shoulders, one side of the arm down to hand or fingers, the base of the skull and perhaps the occasional headache. However, some patients develop chronic (persistent) pain.
Cervical spondylosis is spondylosis affecting the cervical vertebrae, intervertebral discs, and surrounding soft tissue. The cause of neck pain could be due to osteophytes (spurs) at the vertebrae or the disc space prolapses pressing on the nerve roots. Cervical Spondylosis is more frequently seen in women than men.

                A picture of neck pain (cervical spondylosis)

For those who wish to consult a western trained orthopaedic doctor, I highly recommend Dr. Razmi of Centre for Spine and Orthopaedic Surgery at #05-13, Gleneagles Medical Centre,Tel: 67382628. He is a senior consultant and a orthopaedic surgeon. He is a very good doctor of high integrity. 


Case 1 --- Young Father Carried 3 Children on Shoulder Resulted in Neck Pain (Cervical Spondylosis) 

One young father, age 34, carried his three sons together at the same on his shoulder in a swimming pool.  His sons were 3, 5 and 7 years old, He wanted to show his sons how strong his arms were.

After the incident, he suffered a lot of pain on his neck and also his neck was so stiff that he could not turn his head side way or bow his head. He went to see an orthopaedic and was told that the nerve roots of his cervical vertebrae were pressed. He did not wish to go for an operation.

He was introduced to see me.  He said that he was in great pain. He could not turn his head (he must moved his body 90 degree to see the other side). We TCM physician told him that he had inflammation on his vertebrae and gave him 10 sessions of acupuncture treatments. Besides acupuncture treatments, he was also given some TCM Chinese herbal medicine, neck traction and massage. He came for TCM  treatment every three days and he eventually got well. 



Case 2 --- Young Man with Soft Voice after Neck Pain (Cervical Spondylosis) Operation
Just a few months ago, a man, 38 years of age, came to see me. He complained of soft voice after an operation on his throat. Although he could talk, his voice was so soft that people could hardly hear. He said that he had gone for an operation one month ago for his cervical spondylosis (neck pain).  The operation cost him $38,000. He produced his X-ray film which showed that he had one metal bar and some screws inserted in his neck.  He said that after the operation, his voice became extremely soft and coarse.  His surgeon told him that it would take about 4 to 6 months before he could get back his voice. He said that as he was a salesman, he needed to talk to his customers, without voice, he would not be able to do sales. So, he asked if TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) can help?
Well, I gave me some TCM Chinese herbs to nourish his throat. After three months, he said he slowly gained back his voice, but still could not shout as loudly as before.

His wife told me he did not look for alternative treatments before going for an operation.  He made a fast decision as he wanted to get well fast.  He had bought insurance and he could claim for the operation cost. 

Below is his X-ray film showing a metal bar was placed on his cervical vetebrae

Case 3 --- Man with Neck Pain (Cervical Spondylosis) 
Two years ago, one male patient, 58 years of age, came to see me. He complained of neck pain and left arm numbness. He said he had gone for a neck operation and showed me his X-ray film. He had one metal bar and some screws inserted in his cervical vertebrae. He said that he was fortunate that the surgery was successful. He added that some friends told him that if he was not lucky he might have been paralyzed. He told me that occasionally, he felt pain in the neck. He came for acupuncture treatments whenever he had pain. Below is his X-ray film showing a metal  bar was placed on his vetebrae:

                  Cervical Lordosis, Narrowing of C5 to C6 Disc Space, Marginal Osteophytes

               Medical Report Attached


                                       We do acupuncture for Back Pain                                                
                              Lumbo-sacral Spondylosis   BACK PAIN 腰痛

Back pain is very common.  It can afflict almost anyone both young and old.  There can be young people who happen to carry things that are too heavy.  There are parents carrying their young kids and over-strained themselves.  Wrong postures can also cause back pain.  

Patients are often advised to go for an X-ray to find out if they have any problem with their spinal cord. In many cases, back pain is due to vertebrae discus narrowing that causes pinching of the nerve roots around the region. Some of them may experience the pain at the vertebrae around L1 to L5/S1.   Others may find pain radiating down from the waist to one side of their legs and may also feel the numbness on the leg.

Many of my patients are pleased to realize that TCM acupuncture and massage can actually relieve the pain.  We have a few General Practitioner (GP) who would sometimes recommend their patients to see me if they have persistent pain and wish to visit TCM physicians. 

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Our team of TCM physicians have treated many patients with back pain ( lumbo-sacral spondylosis). Some of them had pain running down one side of their legs. Our TCM physician treated them with acupuncture, herbal plastering and TCM Chinese herbal medicine. Many cases with severe pain got well after a few treatments. Some of them were scheduled to go for surgery but  got well after the treatment and thus avoiding the trauma of  a surgery . Our TCM physicians treat them with a combination of the following: cupping, acupuncture, herbal plastering and TCM Chinese herbal medicine. You may like to ask how many times a person needs to have TCM treatments or how long it takes to get well? My answer is: some of them need two sessions while the others need as many as 10 sessions. Very often it depends on the severity of the case, the age of the patients, the duration of the illness and whether the patients have other conditions. Therefore it varies from case to case 因人而异.  

It is not uncommon for many people whether they are young or old to suffer from back pain and neck pain. These days many people have to work on the computer for long hours. I have patients who are as young as 18 years old and as old as 80 years old. Everyday our TCM clinic physicians see patients with back problem lumbo-sacral spondylosis. 

The cause of back pain is often due to the following reasons:-
-  Degeneration of the inter-vertebral discs 颈椎退化;
- Narrowing of dics space resulted in nerve being pressed 椎间盘狭窄压迫神经;
-  Osteophytes pressing on the nerve roots 骨刺增生压迫神经;
Symptoms include pain and restriction of movement 症状疼痛与活动不利.
Lumbo-sacral Spondylosis often affects L3,L4,L5/S1 while Cervical Spondylosis often affects C3, C4, C5, C6.

Our TCM physicians often advise patients who suffer back pain or neck pain (cervical spondylosis) to refrain from carry heavy things during the period.

                                    A patient with back pain receiving heat treatment and TCM acupuncture

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Knee Pain -- Swollen Knee 

One female patient, age 55, came to see me last year. Her right knee was swollen. She told me that she is a aircraft cabin cleaner. She had to climb staircases to the aircraft cabin every day at least 20 times. As a result, her knee was swollen.  She could not work because she could not climb the staircases with her swollen leg. She sought acupuncture treatment from me.  I gave her acupuncture treatment, TCM herbal plastering and TCM Chinese herbal medicine. She came almost every day for the treatment as she wanted to get well fast, so that she can get back to work earlier. She got well after eight treatments. 

                       Knee inflammation before treatment

                             Knee inflammation subsided

                                   Knee pain disappeared
A young man came and said that knee was swollen.  He told us TCM physicians that he was a mover. His job was to carry heavy furniture  every day.  He said that he might have sprained his knee during his work.  He wanted to get well fast so that he could go back to work. He came alternate day, after 5 treatments his knee pain was subsided.

Acupuncture for Knee Pain

Frozen Shoulder

 A lady who had frozen shoulder was not able to bend her arm backward

TCM Acupuncture session for a man suffering from Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, is a condition that causes restriction of motion in the shoulder joint. Patients feel pain when they lift up their hand and cannot bring their hand behind their back. They also feel pain around the shoulder when they sleep on the side where the frozen shoulder is. They have sharp pain when they stretch their affected hand to get something. For female sufferers, they find difficulty in hooking their bras. Frozen shoulder can develop slowly. It first starts with pain with movement of your shoulder and later on your range of motion becomes limited. Most often, frozen shoulder occurs with no associated injury or discernible cause. Frozen shoulder is the result of inflammation, scarring, thickening, and shrinkage of the capsule that surrounds the normal shoulder joint. The contraction of the capsule and the formation of the adhesions (scar tissues) cause the muscles around the shoulder to become stiff and cause movement to become painful. Frozen shoulder most commonly affects patients between the ages of 40 to 60 years old and it is twice as common in women than in men.
Frozen shoulder treatment adopted by western doctors primarily consists of pain relief, physiotherapy and steroid injections.  We, Chinese physicians, treat frozen shoulder by massage, acupuncture and physiotherapy. It normally takes 4~6 sessions to see some results. For patients who have frozen shoulder for half a year or longer, it may take a  longer time to heal. The healing time also depends on the age of the patients. I have a 87 year-old female patient who went for surgery to repair her frozen shoulder. After the surgery she still could not lift up her hand nor able to bring her arm behind her back. Normally, frozen shoulder needs no surgery.


TCM Cure Headache with Acupuncture

A female patient, age 28, complained of severe headache for 3 years. She took Panadol whenever she had headache. She told me that sometimes the pain was so severe that she wanted to knock her head against the wall. She said that the headache usually come around 4 to 5 pm in the afternoon and sometimes last for a few days. She had MRI done and could not find anything wrong. There was no tumor. So she was taking painkiller whenever the pain came. Her friend suggested that she should try TCM acupuncture. She came to see me when I was working with Tan Tock Seng Hospital in the Acupuncture Department.  She was also a staff in Tan Tock Seng Hospital then.

After the first TCM acupuncture session with me, she felt some relief of her headache.  She continued to come for acupuncture for a few times and said that the frequency of the attack was less often and the pain was also less severe. She said that she did not know TCM acupuncture could help in reducing the pain, otherwise she would have come earlier. So she continued to come for acupuncture for another few more sessions. She said the headache was gone and now she could concentrate more on her job and was very pleased with the TCM acupuncture treatment.

A man, age 50, came to see me for his headache.  He was introduced by one of my patients.  He said that he had headache for the last five years. Over the years, it cost him a lot of money to seek treatment from different doctors and had MRI done of his head too. The MRI could not detect any thing wrong with his brain.
I told him that since MRI was not able to detect any thing wrong, I was confident that one to two courses of acupuncture should help to relieve his pain. So he came for TCM acupuncture and found that the attacks occur less often and the pain was not as severe as before. I also prescribed him some TCM Chinese herbal tablets to take orally. He came every three days for TCM acupuncture. Sometimes, he could not make it  as he needed to travel overseas for work. He said that he felt much better after each TCM acupuncture session. After about two courses (20 sessions) of TCM acupuncture, his headache was gone.

Some may ask why TCM acupuncture can work in reducing the pain. According to TCM, it is because there is likely to be some stagnation in the brain and the stagnation gets worse as time passes. TCM Acupuncture can disperse stagnation and therefore allow the “qi” to flow better. These patients normally have "Ying" and "Yang" imbalance ("阴阳不调"), their "yang" is more than "Ying".

Some research had been carried out for patients who suffered severe to unbearable pain for many years. They were generally well pleased after several courses of TCM acupuncture treatment as they found that:
    (i) their long lasting pain is relieved 疼痛改善
    (ii) their drug intake diminished 药物减少
    (iii) their sleep had improved 睡眠改善


According to research carried out by a researcher, when an acupuncture needle is inserted into the skin, it stimulates a sensory nerve which triggers electrical impulses to a spinal cord nerve. That nerve then sends signals to three places:
1.  To the Pituitary Gland
2.  To the Midbrain
3.  To the Nerve Cells

1. To the Pituitary Gland
The pituitary responds by delivering endorphins and anti-inflammatory chemicals into the bloodstream. It would travel through the bloodstream to the affected area and help relieve the swelling.
2. To the Midbrain
The midbrain responds by discharging neurotransmitters which block the body’s pain pathways, easing the discomfort.
3. To the Nerve Cells
The nerve cells respond by releasing endorphins which are neurochemicals that naturally mute pain in the body, again easing the discomfort.

TCM Treat CureTrigger Fingers 

Surprisingly, many people have trigger fingers.  This could be due to using fingers to carry heavy things.  There are other reasons such as using the mouse for computer work. Many as young as 40 years old can have trigger fingers.  However, TCM can treatment trigger fingers by using acupuncture method, massage and herbal plastering.

We have seen many people with trigger fingers. These people are often between 40  to 60 years of age. Trigger fingers occur more in women than in men.

There was a man, 52 years of age, came to see us TCM clinic. He told me that his thumb and middle finger on his left hand were painful and sometimes locked in a bent position, especially in the morning. Very often, he had to use another hand to straighten the affected fingers. He also told me that he was a dispatch rider and he needed to ride the scooter every day to deliver documents.  He found difficulty in steering the motorbike with his trigger fingers and told me that he must get well fast. I told him that the tendon on his fingers was swollen and the ganglion was narrowed. Our TCM physician treated him with TCM acupuncture, heat treatment, TCM herbal plastering and TCM anti-inflammation medicine. He came on alternative days for 5 times and got well.
Our TCM have quite many patients with trigger fingers who went through two rounds of steroid injections on their finger/fingers. They told me that their doctors did not recommend any more injection after the second round. There were also many patients who went for surgery and after one or two years, trigger fingers occur on other fingers. They told me that after going through one round of surgery on their finger/fingers, they do not want to go for another one. They said they want to give TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) alternate medicine a try.


A woman, age 49, came with her husband and told us TCM physicians that she had very bad heel pain (足跟痛) on both sides of her heel and the right side was worse than the left side. She felt so painful that her husband had to hold her while she walked to our clinic at Yong Kang Medical Hall Pte Ltd., Blk 78A, Telok Blangah St 32, #01-05, She had not only heel pain but also neck pain and gastric problem. We TCM physicians have not seen someone who had so many problems at the same time.  Most patients either have heel pain or neck pain or gastric.  This was a rare case that I had seen.

We TCM physicians requested her to go for X-ray to check for her heel calcaneal spur and her cervical spine. She went for the X-ray and confirmed that she had calcaneal spur on the sides of her heels. The spur was quite big which the cause of pain was. However, I have seen many such cases before and no patient with heel spur need go for surgery so far.  Yes, many patients with trigger fingers did go for surgery, but after some time, their other fingers also showed signs of trigger fingers. Very often, they would not be willing to go for surgery again as they realized that after surgery, their finger has less strength and less flexible. So these patients would choose to come to TCM for treatment seeking alternate treatment.

So, this woman came for several TCM acupuncture treatment and herbal plastering.  Her neck became less stiff and she had less pain when she walked.  She had been burping non-stop when she came. We also prescribed some herbal medicine for her gastric problem. After several TCM treatment and medication, her burping stopped. We advised her to eat more digestible and less spicy food and avoid cold drinks during this treatment time.  However, they can take spicy food and cold drinks after they recovered from gastric pain but they should only consume them moderately.
Nowadays we TCM physicians very common to see people suffering from neck pain as many working adults are on their computer for long hours, resulting in neck pain.

Below is a picture of the calcaneal spur (heel spur) and cervical spondylosis (vertebral prolapse & spur pressing on nerve)

                                                                      Left Calcaneal Spur

                                     Right Calcaneal Spur

      Cervical Lordosis, Narrowing of C5 to C6 Disc Space, Marginal Osteophytes

          Medical Report Attached


Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of specific results and
                             that the results can vary from persons to persons.


About Our Clinics
We provide 99% TCM treatments including TCM oral medicine in both powder and natural herbs, acupuncture (针灸), moxibustion (艾灸), manipulation (手法骨伤), cupping (拔罐), Tui-guan (推罐), Tui-na(推拿), scraping (刮痧), herbal wash (草药外洗), herbal creams (中药膏), herbal lotion (中药乳液), herbal plastering (骨伤中药膏外敷)等等。

We also provide consultation both in-person as well as tele-consultations for all 4 clinics. For tele-medicine, medicines can be delivered by courier services.
  (1) Yong Kang Medical Hall Pte Ltd.,  永康诊所
        Blk 78A, #01-05, Telok Blangah St 32, Singapore 101078.
        📞: 62726400   |  📱: 96635600 (appointments only)
       ✉️ :ong.swee.ling@gmail.com 
       🌐 : https://drongsweeling.blogspot.com    
       This branch is 7 minutes walk from Telok Blangah MRT 
       Our clinic is three doors away from NTUC supermarket.

     Opening Hours:
      Mondays to Fridays: 9.30am to 9.30pm;
      Saturdays : 9am to 5pm;
      Sundays: 12.30pm to 4.30m.
      Public Holidays: close 


Please note that there are other companies using the name "Yong Kang".  
Please note that Yong Kang TCM Clinic has no relation with us.


(2) Eastern  Healing TCM Clinic Pte Ltd,  东方医疗诊所
         Address: Blk 345, Clementi Ave 5,  #01-88, Singapore 120345.
        📱: 9299 9168 (appointments only)  |  📞:  6276 6872
        ✉️ : ong.swee.ling@gmail.com 
       🌐 : https://drongsweeling.blogspot.com    
        This branch is minutes walk from Clementi MRT station
        Opposite Pei Tong Primary School 培童小学

       Opening Hours:
       Mondays to Fridays: 9.30am to 9.30pm
       Saturdays & Sundays: 9am to 5pm
       Public Holidays: close

                              Treatment Area

                                Front counter

      (3) Eastern  Healing TCM Clinic (Telok Blangah) Pte Ltd,  
           东方医疗诊所 (直落布兰雅)
          Address: 46 Telok Blangah Dr, #01-85, Singapore 100046
          This branch is 2 minutes walk from Telok Blangah MRT station.
         📱: 81255212 (Appointment Only) |  📞: 69573033
         ✉️ : ong.swee.ling@gmail.com  |  🌐 : https://drongsweeling.blogspot.com    
       Opening Hours:
         Mondays to Fridays: 1.30pm to 9.30pm 
         Saturdays: 9am to 5pm
         Sundays: 9am to 1pm
         Public Holidays: close
Please Note: On Sundays, if you wish to come in the afternoon, 
You may walk to Yong Kang Medical Hall Pte Ltd 
at Blk 78A #01-05, Telok Blangah St 32, Singapore 101078 which is open on all Sundays from 12.30pm  to 4.30pm. 
       Yong Kang Medical Hall Pte Ltd is only 6 minutes walk from Telok Blangah MRT station.
                  Front entrance of Easter Healing TCM Clinic at 
                  Blk 46, #01-85, Telok Blangah Drive, S100046.

Reception counter 

Dispensary Dept

                                 Treatment Area

(4)Eastern Healing TCM Clinic (Macpherson) 
          Pte Ltd 
Address: Blk 91, #01-3025, Paya Lebar Way, 
                Singapore 370091. 

Opening Hours:
       Mondays to Fridays: 9.30am to 9.30pm
       Saturdays & Sundays: 9am to 5pm
       Public Holidays: close

Tel:    📱80969866 (Please text for appointment)
This clinic is 6 minutes walk from Machpherson MRT station,
This clinic is 10 minutes walk from Mattar MRT station,
This clinic is 15 minutes walk from Ajuni MRT station,
This clinic is 15 minute walk from Paya Lebar MRT station 

✉️ : ong.swee.ling@gmail.com    🌐 : https://DrOngSweeLing.blogspot.com    
                             Front Entrance

Front Entrance

Front Counter

     Front Counter
 Treatment Area


Consultation Room

 Area outside the clinic
We treat the following ailments:

1)Skin Diase:Eczema ,Prosiasis , Hives, Shingle, Acne

2)Neck Pai, Back Pai, Knee Pain

3)  Stroke

4)Hair Loss

5) Cancer, Tumur 癌症, 肿瘤;

6)Infertility, Menstrual Issues,Endometrisis,PCOS;

7)Gastric, Acid Reflux, Bloatedness, Ulcer

8)Irritable Bowel Syndrome;

9)Frozen Shoulder, Trigger Fingers

10)Vertigo ;


12)Anal Fistula;

13)Parkinson’s Disease;

14)Bell's palsy;

15)Trigeminal Neuralgia;

16) Sleep Apnea

17) Scrotum Itchiness

18) Dry Eye, Glucoma, Myopia;

19) Age-related Macular Degeneration,

20) Sprin and Injury;




2)颈椎病,  腰椎病,  膝盖痛;



5) 癌症, 肿瘤

6) 妇科病不孕不育月经病病,子宫内膜异位症,PCOS;

7) 肠胃病胃气上腻,胃胀气;

8) 肠胃激惹综合症;

9) 肩周炎弹响指;

10) Vertigo 眩晕;

11)Piles 痔疮;

12)Anal Fistula肛周脓肿;

13)Parkinson 帕金森;

14)Bell's palsy口眼喎斜;

15)Trigeminal Neuralgia三叉神经痛;

16)Sleep Apnea睡眠呼吸暂停;


18)Scrotum Itchiness 睾丸瘙痒;

19)眼科老年性黄斑病变, 干眼症, 青光眼,抖鸡眼,近视眼;



Medical Charges 诊所收费表

Item NameUnit PriceComments
CONSULTATION FEES$20.00First consultation
CONSULTATION FEES - LONG$20.00 - 50.00Longer consultations may cost more
HERBAL MEDICINE (1X A DAY)$4.80 - 5.50 
HERBAL MEDICINE (2X A DAY)$9.00 - 9.80 
HERBAL MEDICINE (3X A DAY)$12.00 - 13.80 
HERBAL CREAM PER TUB $10.00 - 25.00Depends on quantity
HERBAL WASH PER PACK$12.00 - 16.00Depends on herbs used
HERBAL PLASTERING $10.00 - 40.00Depends on size of plaster and herbs used
HERBAL POWDER for external use$10.00 - 30.00Depends on weight (30gm, 60gm or 100gm) and herbs used
Q OIL for external use$15.00 
BANDAGE for SPRAIN  $15.00-20.00 

Our company reserves the right to revise charges without notice.
TCM Treatment Charges 诊所收费表
Item NameSingle TimePackagePackage Description
$40-50$400.0010 sessions 
 ACUPUNCTURE   COMPREHANSIVE 针灸$50-55$450.0010 sessions 
 60 MIN TUI-NA 推拿理疗$60.00$560.0010 sessions 
 60 MIN MI GUAN 秘罐$66.00$600.0010 sessions 
 60 MIN MI GUAN PLUS TUI   GUAN JIU 秘罐+推罐灸$66.00$600.0010 sessions 
 60 MIN TUI GUAN JIU 推罐灸$72.00$660.0010 sessions 
 SLIMMING (ACUPUNCTURE   ONLY)$70.00$680.0010 sessions of acupuncture for 1 month (without medicine)
 SLIMMING (MEDICINE ONLY;   1 WEEK MEDICINE)$70.00$260Medicine for 1 week; no package
 HAIR LOSS (MASSAGE AND   ACUPUNCTURE ONLY)$73.00$540.00Lotion massage plus 8 sessions of acupuncture for 1 month (without medicine)
$800.00Lotion massage and 8 sessions of acupuncture for 1 month (with medicine for 4 weeks)
 Lymphatic Massage 
S$80 first time only $880  10 sessions 
CUPPING $20.00NANo package
 NECK TRACTION  $20NANo package
 AI JIU HE 艾灸盒  $15.00NA No package
Please note TUI-NA 推拿理疗  is only available in Eastern Healing TCM Clinics Pte Ltd

Our company reserves the right to revise charges without notice

 Concession may be given to deserving cases.    



Please call for appointments:
Yong Kang Medical Hall Telok Blangah branch, Tel: 6272 6400, 9663 5600,
Eastern Healing TCM Clinic Telok Blangah branch Tel: 69573033 or 8125 5212;
Eastern Healing TCM Clinic Clement branch at Tel:6276 6872 or 9299 9168;Eastern Healing TCM Clinic Macpherson branch at Tel: or 8096 9866. 

At Eastern Healing and Yong Kang Medical Hall, we have more than 30 years of experience. We pride ourselves on having a team of highly qualified physicians, all registered with the Ministry of Health. They each bring 10 to 20+ years of extensive clinical experience to their practice. Our practitioners are adept at treating a variety of conditions, including eczema, hives, acne, psoriasis, hair loss, obesity, neck pain, hypertension, diabetes, vertigo, and many other common ailments.

Our physicians are caring and compassionate towards our patients and our primary goal is to alleviate our patients' pain and discomfort while promoting healing. We are dedicated to providing compassionate and effective care, ensuring each patient receives the attention and treatment they deserve.

Our speciality is in treating skin issues. Our extensive experience has enabled us to successfully treat countless patients, providing them with effective and natural relief. We proudly adopt 99% traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) methods to treat a variety of skin diseases. Our carefully formulated solutions focus on treating the root causes of skin problems, helping you achieve healthier, clearer skin.

Are you tired of struggling with eczema, psoriasis, hives, or other persistent skin issues? You’re not alone. Many people face these challenges, and finding effective relief can be frustrating. We understand how these conditions can affect your daily life, and we're here to help.

Why Choose our TCM Clinics?

  • Holistic Healing: Addresses the root causes of your illness and imbalances in your body to boost your overall well-being 
  • Natural Ingredients: Our treatments are formulated with pure, traditional herbs 
  • Customized Solutions: Our treatments are tailored to your specific condition and needs.

What We Offer:

  • Personalized Consultations: We assess your unique situation and recommend TCM treatments most suited for you.
  • Effective Products: We utilise time-tested herbs and practices proven to be effective to heal your problems
  • Ongoing Support: Our qualified and experienced physicians offer expert advice and guidance throughout your healing journey with us.

Our Comprehensive TCM Approach Includes:

  • Chinese Natural Herbs (草药): Time-tested remedies to restore balance and promote healing.
  • Granular Powder (中药粉): Convenient and potent formulations for internal health.
  • Tablets (药丸): Easy-to-take solutions for ongoing support.
  • Syrup (药水): Liquid formulations for targeted relief.
  • Acupuncture (针灸): Stimulate your body's healing processes.
  • Blood Letting (放血疗法): Traditional practice to address internal imbalances.
  • Herbal Wash (外洗): External treatments to soothe and heal your problems.
  • Herbal Creams (中药膏) and Lotions (中药液): Topical applications to directly treat skin conditions
  • Physical Therapy (推罐,拔罐,等等): Improve blood and heat circulation, to enhance healing, improve immune response, relief muscle tension, increase energy and overall well being

Take the First Step Towards Healthier Skin With Us Today! 

Visit our website https://drongsweeling.blogspot.com or contact us today to schedule your consultation with us! 

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