

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

TCM treat Cirrhosis (Liver Hardening) with Herbal Medicine

TCM treat Cirrhosis (Liver Hardening) with Herbal Medicine  


Clinically, we do have patients telling us that when they go for their blood test, the blood test showed that they have fibrosis or cirrhosis. 

Fibrosis describes some degrees of scarring in the liver, while cirrhosis is referring to the most severe of scarring and the chance of complications of liver disease is higher. 

Liver fibrosis has an insidious onset, slowly progressing over many years and typically taking over 20 years to develop into liver cirrhosis. Some may not realize that they have liver fibrosis until they go for medical check-up. Rapid progression over a few years to liver cirrhosis can also occur in some cases. 

Some may wonder how they have liver fibrosis, however, genetic as well as environmental factors can be the cause of liver fibrosis.  But TCM views that unhealthy food can also contribute to liver fibrosis.

Our clinics have seen many cases of Cirrhosis cases, there are many cases where their cirrhosis was mild, and they were asked to do regular exercise by their western doctor, but usually no medicine was prescribed for them. There were quite a numbers of patients who told us that they did not want to wait till her cirrhosis became serious and wished to get some treatment from us to prevent her liver from deteriorating further.  

With our medicine, they could see that their cirrhosis is better. 

There were also many advance cirrhosis cases who came to seek treatment from us, usually they were diagnosed to have liver cancer.  Their symptoms are weakness and tiredness, loss of appetite, easily feel nausea and vomiting, weight loss and muscle tenderness or pain around the liver area.  Some may have big stomach and could see some crochet veins or tiny red lines (blood capillaries) on the skin.  They may also have yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice) and itchy skin.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is not that we can treat everything.  Basically, we treat based on symptoms 辨证论治Syndrome differentiation and treatmentFor example, if the patient has poor appetite, we can prescribe 麦芽 谷芽to increase his appetite; If he feels nausea and vomiting, we can give 旋复花, 代赭石, 炒竹茹 If he cannot pass motion, we can give 大黄素,if he feels very tired, we can give him 党参, 黄芪, 人参 etc. TCM helps him to eat well, helps in his digestion so that he can pass motion.  Also we can also help him to be more relax and not to be too worried and can sleep better.  

Of course, we can also add some medicine to reduce the hardening of his liver, and nourish his blood and enhance blood circulation. There are a lot of TCM herbs that have anti-cancer property. TCM herbs also help him to have enough energy to do his daily activities such as exercise, cooking, bathing, eating, and so on.

He may not be able to get well with his liver cirrhosis but in some ways he may be able to prevent further deterioration and live a longer life.


The symptoms of liver cirrhosis:

1) Itchy skin;
2) Jaundice (yellowish eyes and skin);
3) Loss of weight and loss of appetite;
4) Fluid build up in the abdomen (ascites);
5) Nausea;
6) Sleeping difficulties;
7) Swelling of legs (oedema);
8) Lethargic;
9) Vomiting blood;
11) Red spider-looking spots on your chest and back (spider angiomas);
10) Confusion in severe cases.


About Our Clinics
We provide 99% TCM treatments including TCM oral medicine in both powder and natural herbs, acupuncture (针灸), moxibustion (艾灸), manipulation (手法骨伤), cupping (拔罐), Tui-guan (推罐), Tui-na(推拿), scraping (刮痧), herbal wash (草药外洗), herbal creams (中药膏), herbal lotion (中药乳液), herbal plastering (骨伤中药膏外敷)等等。

We also provide consultation both in-person as well as tele-consultations for all 4 clinics. For tele-medicine, medicines can be delivered by courier services.
  (1) Yong Kang Medical Hall Pte Ltd.,  永康诊所
        Blk 78A, #01-05, Telok Blangah St 32, Singapore 101078.
        📞: 62726400   |  📱: 96635600 (appointments only)
       ✉️ :ong.swee.ling@gmail.com 
       🌐 : https://drongsweeling.blogspot.com    
       This branch is 7 minutes walk from Telok Blangah MRT 
       Our clinic is three doors away from NTUC supermarket.

     Opening Hours:
      Mondays to Fridays: 9.30am to 9.30pm;
      Saturdays : 9am to 5pm;
      Sundays: 12.30pm to 4.30m.
      Public Holidays: close 


Please note that there are other companies using the name "Yong Kang".  
Please note that Yong Kang TCM Clinic has no relation with us.


(2) Eastern  Healing TCM Clinic Pte Ltd,  东方医疗诊所
         Address: Blk 345, Clementi Ave 5,  #01-88, Singapore 120345.
        📱: 9299 9168 (appointments only)  |  📞:  6276 6872
        ✉️ : ong.swee.ling@gmail.com 
       🌐 : https://drongsweeling.blogspot.com    
        This branch is minutes walk from Clementi MRT station
        Opposite Pei Tong Primary School 培童小学

       Opening Hours:
       Mondays to Fridays: 9.30am to 9.30pm
       Saturdays & Sundays: 9am to 5pm
       Public Holidays: close

                              Treatment Area

                                Front counter

      (3) Eastern  Healing TCM Clinic (Telok Blangah) Pte Ltd,  
           东方医疗诊所 (直落布兰雅)
          Address: 46 Telok Blangah Dr, #01-85, Singapore 100046
          This branch is 2 minutes walk from Telok Blangah MRT station.
         📱: 81255212 (Appointment Only) |  📞: 69573033
         ✉️ : ong.swee.ling@gmail.com  |  🌐 : https://drongsweeling.blogspot.com    
       Opening Hours:
         Mondays to Fridays: 1.30pm to 9.30pm 
         Saturdays: 9am to 5pm
         Sundays: 9am to 1pm
         Public Holidays: close
Please Note: On Sundays, if you wish to come in the afternoon, 
You may walk to Yong Kang Medical Hall Pte Ltd 
at Blk 78A #01-05, Telok Blangah St 32, Singapore 101078 which is open on all Sundays from 12.30pm  to 4.30pm. 
       Yong Kang Medical Hall Pte Ltd is only 6 minutes walk from Telok Blangah MRT station.
                  Front entrance of Easter Healing TCM Clinic at 
                  Blk 46, #01-85, Telok Blangah Drive, S100046.

Reception counter 

Dispensary Dept

                                 Treatment Area

(4)Eastern Healing TCM Clinic (Macpherson) 
          Pte Ltd 
Address: Blk 91, #01-3025, Paya Lebar Way, 
                Singapore 370091. 

Opening Hours:
       Mondays to Fridays: 9.30am to 9.30pm
       Saturdays & Sundays: 9am to 5pm
       Public Holidays: close

Tel:    📱80969866 (Please text for appointment)
This clinic is 6 minutes walk from Machpherson MRT station,
This clinic is 10 minutes walk from Mattar MRT station,
This clinic is 15 minutes walk from Ajuni MRT station,
This clinic is 15 minute walk from Paya Lebar MRT station 

✉️ : ong.swee.ling@gmail.com    🌐 : https://DrOngSweeLing.blogspot.com    
                             Front Entrance

Front Entrance

Front Counter

     Front Counter
 Treatment Area


Consultation Room

 Area outside the clinic
We treat the following ailments:

1)Skin Diase:Eczema ,Prosiasis , Hives, Shingle, Acne

2)Neck Pai, Back Pai, Knee Pain

3)  Stroke

4)Hair Loss

5) Cancer, Tumur 癌症, 肿瘤;

6)Infertility, Menstrual Issues,Endometrisis,PCOS;

7)Gastric, Acid Reflux, Bloatedness, Ulcer

8)Irritable Bowel Syndrome;

9)Frozen Shoulder, Trigger Fingers

10)Vertigo ;


12)Anal Fistula;

13)Parkinson’s Disease;

14)Bell's palsy;

15)Trigeminal Neuralgia;

16) Sleep Apnea

17) Scrotum Itchiness

18) Dry Eye, Glucoma, Myopia;

19) Age-related Macular Degeneration,

20) Sprin and Injury;




2)颈椎病,  腰椎病,  膝盖痛;



5) 癌症, 肿瘤

6) 妇科病不孕不育月经病病,子宫内膜异位症,PCOS;

7) 肠胃病胃气上腻,胃胀气;

8) 肠胃激惹综合症;

9) 肩周炎弹响指;

10) Vertigo 眩晕;

11)Piles 痔疮;

12)Anal Fistula肛周脓肿;

13)Parkinson 帕金森;

14)Bell's palsy口眼喎斜;

15)Trigeminal Neuralgia三叉神经痛;

16)Sleep Apnea睡眠呼吸暂停;


18)Scrotum Itchiness 睾丸瘙痒;

19)眼科老年性黄斑病变, 干眼症, 青光眼,抖鸡眼,近视眼;



Medical Charges 诊所收费表

Item NameUnit PriceComments
CONSULTATION FEES$20.00First consultation
CONSULTATION FEES - LONG$20.00 - 50.00Longer consultations may cost more
HERBAL MEDICINE (1X A DAY)$4.80 - 5.50 
HERBAL MEDICINE (2X A DAY)$9.00 - 9.80 
HERBAL MEDICINE (3X A DAY)$12.00 - 13.80 
HERBAL CREAM PER TUB $10.00 - 25.00Depends on quantity
HERBAL WASH PER PACK$12.00 - 16.00Depends on herbs used
HERBAL PLASTERING $10.00 - 40.00Depends on size of plaster and herbs used
HERBAL POWDER for external use$10.00 - 30.00Depends on weight (30gm, 60gm or 100gm) and herbs used
Q OIL for external use$15.00 
BANDAGE for SPRAIN  $15.00-20.00 

Our company reserves the right to revise charges without notice.
TCM Treatment Charges 诊所收费表
Item NameSingle TimePackagePackage Description
$40-50$400.0010 sessions 
 ACUPUNCTURE   COMPREHANSIVE 针灸$50-55$450.0010 sessions 
 60 MIN TUI-NA 推拿理疗$60.00$560.0010 sessions 
 60 MIN MI GUAN 秘罐$66.00$600.0010 sessions 
 60 MIN MI GUAN PLUS TUI   GUAN JIU 秘罐+推罐灸$66.00$600.0010 sessions 
 60 MIN TUI GUAN JIU 推罐灸$72.00$660.0010 sessions 
 SLIMMING (ACUPUNCTURE   ONLY)$70.00$680.0010 sessions of acupuncture for 1 month (without medicine)
 SLIMMING (MEDICINE ONLY;   1 WEEK MEDICINE)$70.00$260Medicine for 1 week; no package
 HAIR LOSS (MASSAGE AND   ACUPUNCTURE ONLY)$73.00$540.00Lotion massage plus 8 sessions of acupuncture for 1 month (without medicine)
$800.00Lotion massage and 8 sessions of acupuncture for 1 month (with medicine for 4 weeks)
 Lymphatic Massage 
S$80 first time only $880  10 sessions 
CUPPING $20.00NANo package
 NECK TRACTION  $20NANo package
 AI JIU HE 艾灸盒  $15.00NA No package
Please note TUI-NA 推拿理疗  is only available in Eastern Healing TCM Clinics Pte Ltd

Our company reserves the right to revise charges without notice

 Concession may be given to deserving cases.    



Please call for appointments:
Yong Kang Medical Hall Telok Blangah branch, Tel: 6272 6400, 9663 5600,
Eastern Healing TCM Clinic Telok Blangah branch Tel: 69573033 or 8125 5212;
Eastern Healing TCM Clinic Clement branch at Tel:6276 6872 or 9299 9168;Eastern Healing TCM Clinic Macpherson branch at Tel: or 8096 9866. 

At Eastern Healing and Yong Kang Medical Hall, we have more than 30 years of experience. We pride ourselves on having a team of highly qualified physicians, all registered with the Ministry of Health. They each bring 10 to 20+ years of extensive clinical experience to their practice. Our practitioners are adept at treating a variety of conditions, including eczema, hives, acne, psoriasis, hair loss, obesity, neck pain, hypertension, diabetes, vertigo, and many other common ailments.

Our physicians are caring and compassionate towards our patients and our primary goal is to alleviate our patients' pain and discomfort while promoting healing. We are dedicated to providing compassionate and effective care, ensuring each patient receives the attention and treatment they deserve.

Our speciality is in treating skin issues. Our extensive experience has enabled us to successfully treat countless patients, providing them with effective and natural relief. We proudly adopt 99% traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) methods to treat a variety of skin diseases. Our carefully formulated solutions focus on treating the root causes of skin problems, helping you achieve healthier, clearer skin.

Are you tired of struggling with eczema, psoriasis, hives, or other persistent skin issues? You’re not alone. Many people face these challenges, and finding effective relief can be frustrating. We understand how these conditions can affect your daily life, and we're here to help.

Why Choose our TCM Clinics?

  • Holistic Healing: Addresses the root causes of your illness and imbalances in your body to boost your overall well-being 
  • Natural Ingredients: Our treatments are formulated with pure, traditional herbs 
  • Customized Solutions: Our treatments are tailored to your specific condition and needs.

What We Offer:

  • Personalized Consultations: We assess your unique situation and recommend TCM treatments most suited for you.
  • Effective Products: We utilise time-tested herbs and practices proven to be effective to heal your problems
  • Ongoing Support: Our qualified and experienced physicians offer expert advice and guidance throughout your healing journey with us.

Our Comprehensive TCM Approach Includes:

  • Chinese Natural Herbs (草药): Time-tested remedies to restore balance and promote healing.
  • Granular Powder (中药粉): Convenient and potent formulations for internal health.
  • Tablets (药丸): Easy-to-take solutions for ongoing support.
  • Syrup (药水): Liquid formulations for targeted relief.
  • Acupuncture (针灸): Stimulate your body's healing processes.
  • Blood Letting (放血疗法): Traditional practice to address internal imbalances.
  • Herbal Wash (外洗): External treatments to soothe and heal your problems.
  • Herbal Creams (中药膏) and Lotions (中药液): Topical applications to directly treat skin conditions
  • Physical Therapy (推罐,拔罐,等等): Improve blood and heat circulation, to enhance healing, improve immune response, relief muscle tension, increase energy and overall well being

Take the First Step Towards Healthier Skin With Us Today! 

Visit our website https://drongsweeling.blogspot.com or contact us today to schedule your consultation with us! 

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