Tuesday 23 June 2015

TCM Clinic Chinese Medicine for Brain Cancer

TCM Clinic Chinese Medicine for Brain Cancer 

In Sept 2009, a male patient came with his wife.  He said he had nose cancer since July 2008 and it was in stage 4A. He had since gone through radiotherapy & Chemotherapy (altogether radiotherapy 32 times and chemotherapy 6 times). It took him 6 months to complete all the sessions. Unfortunately, he said National Cancer Centre told him that the tumor had spread to the back of his nose, his eye and his brain. The oncologist suggested that he should continue with chemotherapy using a new drug which they could not guarantee would destroy the tumor. He said that he wished TCM medicine could help to control the tumor. He mentioned that he was very careful with diet and also exercised a lot.  He felt numbness on his right face, had tinnitus (started 4 yrs ago) and often thirsty. When he eating, he chewed with his left tooth. When sleeping, he must turn his body every two hourly, otherwise he legs would be painful. However, he still looked good and physically not tired and was able to go work everyday.  I prescribed some herbal medicine for him to uphold his vitality and help to control his tumor.

After taking my medicine, he said the pain in his leg pain has lessened when he slept. He continued to take my medicine for one month. Sometime in June 2010, he went to China to visit a hospital, 中国广州复大肿瘤医院, the oncologist 牛立志博士 suggested to treat him with a new method whereby they would insert a tube into his brain to destroy the tumor by freezing his tumor (冷冻疗法).  He was told that there was no guarantee that the brain tumor could be destroyed and also he had to find an oncologist in Singapore to continue to monitor his condition. He considered the risks he would face and he decided against it.

He went back to NSC in Singapore to continue with his chemotherapy.  They did CT scan for his neck, chest and abdomen.  He was subsequently prescribed oral chemo medicine, namely Pyridoxine HCL 50mg Vit B6, Celecoxib 200mg, Capecitabine 50mg for two weeks. His face was a bit twisted to the right side. He said that when he lay down on his right side, he felt pain on his right cheek. He also felt pain when cold air blew onto his face. His right eye itched, his right lip numbed and when he drank water, his sliver would drip out. Other than these, he could eat well, sleep well. Occasionally, he had constipation. After taking my TCM medicine, his pain was milder and less frequently.

After two weeks, he was given the oral chemo medicine to be taken every two weeks until the end of the year.  Slowly, he felt that his right lips weak and slightly dropping, his vision blurred and distorted. He continued to take my herbal medicine. He believed in TCM. He felt that after taking TCM medicine, he was not so tired, ate well and he was hopeful that his condition would be under control.

In April 2011, he was prescribed oral steroid. Gradually, he put on weight. He complained of gastric and was scared of cold. In Nov 2011, his tumor was under control and was stable. His doctor suggested he should try a new chemo drug to reduce the size of tumor. On the third round of chemo treatment, his right face was numbed and he realized that the food he took was tasteless. His hair started to drop and his weight reduced by 2 kgs. He still could go to work for three days a week.

In April 2012, he suddenly felt faint, his legs went weak and fell. Upon examination, he was told he had hygroma “水瘤” in his brain. He was then prescribed steroid for two weeks. He was advised to stop chemo for 3 weeks. They resumed chemo in June till Sept 2012. He stopped chemo for 6 weeks.  In Nov 2012, the doctor suggested that he should continue with oral chemo medicine TS-ONE capsule 20. In Dec 2012, according to the scan, there was an increased perilesional oedema with slight increase in the contralateral midline shift. There is interval increase in size of the right posterior nasopharyngeal mass. So he continued with the oral chemo for another two weeks.  He used to joke that he is a “Chemo King” having gone through so many rounds of chemo. All these years, he continued with TCM medicine to upkeep his vitality and to make sure that he was able to eat well. 

He continued his chemo till end of Feb 2013. On 8th April 2013, he came with his wife to tell me that God had healed him on 29th March 2013 while listening to online Light House sermon. He said that he regained hearing in the right ear which he lost 5 years ago. He had no more double vision and could eat and swallow. We were all very happy for him.

However, on 19 May 2013, he vomited in the middle of the night, the next morning and afternoon.  In June, 2013, the MRI scan showed that the tumor had not reduced in size.  Again he continued with chemo. On 22nd Aug 2013, his tumor had grown bigger, from 2.6x 2.1cm versus 3.4 x 3.0cm. His doctor changed his chemo drug to Taxotere#1/Docetaxol 40mg. He was supposed to continue his chemo for another 6 months (every month 3 times, rest 1 week). After the fifth rounds of chemo, his hair began to drop, so he decided to trim his head bald.

Sadly, sometime in Jan 2014, his wife called and told me that he had passed away. She said that he woke up in the morning and found his nose bleeding. He went back to his bed to lie down.  His wife went to the kitchen to get ice cubes for him. When she returned to the bedroom, she was shocked to find that he had stopped breathing.

Altogether, he survived for 5½ yrs after discovering his nose cancer in July 2008, He was able to work until the last few months.


Address of our  two clinics:

Yong Kang Medical Hall Pte Ltd.,

Blk 78A, Telok Blangah St 32, #01-05, Singapore 101078.

Tel 9663 5600 (for appointments) 6272 6400

Email: ong.swee.ling@gmail.com

Email: yongkangmedicalhall@gmail.com

Website: drongsweeling.blogspot.com

Eastern Healing TCM Clinic Pte Ltd.,

Blk 345,

Clementi Ave 5, #01-88, Singapore 120345.

Tel: 9299 9168 (for appointments) , 6276 6872

Email: ong.swee.ling@gmail.com

Email: easternhealingtcm@gmail.com

Website: drongsweeling.blogspot.com


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