Thursday, 24 June 2021

Best TCM Doctor for Glaucoma, Night Blindness (RP), Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), Uveitis, Squint Eyes, Dropping Eyes, Red Eyes, Dry Eyes, Cataract.


Best TCM Doctor for Glaucoma, Night Blindness (RP), Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), Uveitis, Squint Eyes, Dropping Eyes, Red Eyes, Dry Eyes, Cataract.

Our clinics have 20 years of clinical experience in treating eye diseases. Together with a team of TCM physicians, they treat Eye Diseases with special TCM prescriptions and acupuncture methods.

Contact us Yong Kang Medical Hall Pte Ltd. & Eastern Healing TCM Clinic Pte Ltd, Singapore, at Tel: 96635600, 92999168. 80969866, 81255212.

Best TCM Treatment for Eye Diseases - Glaucoma, Dry Eyes, Squint Eyes, Lazy Eyes,  Teary Eyes, Blurry Eyes, Cataract, Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP)(Night Blindness), Glaucoma, Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

                Glaucoma 青光眼     

      What is Glaucoma 青光眼,Curable?

Glaucoma is an eye disorder in which the optic nerve suffers damage, permanently damaging vision in the affected eye(s) and sometimes leads to blindness if untreated.

Many patients who suffer from glaucoma, whose eye pressure are always higher than 17 and they often had gone to ophthalmologists and were prescribed eye-drops to lower the eye pressure.  Some of them finds that in spite of applying eye drops constantly, their eye pressure was still high.  They came for acupuncture treatment and found that after few rounds of acupuncture treatment, their eye pressure became normal. 

Our team of TCM physicians treat glaucoma with acupuncture and Chinese herbal Medicine.  This is to enhance circulation, expel excess fluid, nourish the eyes etc. In many cases, it helps to maintain glaucoma from deteriorating further.  Glaucoma is because (房水不流通), the fluid builds up in the front part of your eye. The extra fluid increases the pressure in your eye. If the eye pressure is not controlled, it may eventually damage the optic nerves, causing poor vision. 

If you have glaucoma and your eye pressure is constantly higher than 17, you may like to consider doing acupuncture to lower your eye pressure.  Usually, you may need several acupuncture treatments to see better results.

We have seen a patient, a young man age 26, who told me that he went for more than ten rounds of laser and one operation. Today his vision is still not very good.I have seen a patient, a young man age 26, who told me that he went through more than ten rounds of laser and ended up losing his eye sight. He wondered whether his blindness was due to too many times of laser.

青光眼属严重眼疾,预后不佳。正常人眼压不应高过21 mmHg。中医认为青光眼的病因是肝经实热、肝郁气逆、阴虚火旺或其他兼症如高血压,糖尿病导致。
急性青光眼(闭角型青光眼), 患者会感觉眼睛剧痛, 眼压突然升高,非常不舒服, 必须马上到医院治疗。慢性青光眼(开角型青光眼) 也可根据病情, 眼压是否受到控制的情况, 尽早寻求治疗。除西医手术治疗外, 中医中药也是一种的辅助治疗。
  在新加坡,中医治疗青光眼主要以针灸与中药治疗。 中医以活血化瘀,健脾利水之法或辨证论治方法来治疗青光眼。重点是改善青光眼视盘血供, 减少房水生成或促进视神经细胞代谢等功效。中国有很多大学研究与论文发表提示通过针灸与中药治疗,在一定程度上可缓解病情,达到协同治疗作用,优于单用西药。

Glaucoma can be divided roughly into two main categories:
  1. Closed angle” glaucoma 闭角型青光眼—Closed angle glaucoma can appear suddenly and is often painful.  If it is untreated it can lead to visual loss. One must seek medical attention immediately before permanent damage occurs.
  2. Open angle” glaucoma 开角型青光眼--- Open angle glaucoma tends to progress at a slower rate and patients may not notice they have lost vision until the disease has progressed significantly. Very often raised intraocular pressure is a significant risk factor for developing glaucoma (intraocular pressure above 21 mmHg is considered as high 眼压高).
1) 有个私人问题想请教。我的叔叔患有青光眼,医生说已很严重,需要动手术。请问手术后,他应该做什么,尽快帮助眼睛康复呢?手术成功的话,是否表示他就不会变盲呢?
2) 请问手术后,他应该做什么,尽快帮助眼睛康复呢?
3) 手术成功的话,是否表示他就不会变盲呢?

1) 你的叔叔有青光眼,医生认为已很严重必须手术。手术的选择通常是眼压继续不降(不能通过外滴眼药水而达到眼压下降。手术治疗通常是建立一条人工引流通路,使房水流通,眼压就不会增高。
2) 手术后多休息,少用眼神最好暂时别做剧烈或低头的运动,眼睛的伤口会慢慢康复。伤口康复以及病情稳定后,可以进行针灸治疗及吃一些中药,使视神经受损或视野缺损的程度改善。
3) 手术成功的话,临床观察,病人一般不会盲。根据本人的经验青光眼的病人若激光治疗次数超过10次以上或者会盲。 但这问题最好向你的眼科医生确认。

    Uveitis, 葡萄膜炎眼色素层炎  

One lady, age 35, came to see me. She said she had Uveitis葡萄膜炎/眼色素层炎on her left eye for about 9 months.  She had seen eye specialists and an OCT Image was carried out and it was found that the macular has slight edema.  The eye specialist prescribed western medicine. She said she did not want to use steroid all the time. She said two of her Western doctors also advised her to seek TCM treatments. 

She said this is her forth round of occurrence. She said each time when Uveitis occurs, her left eye could not see words clearly.  Gradually she could not even read those big words in the newspapers. This time the blur vision already happened one week and she had been using steroid eye drops since the occurrence. I let her read Amsler chart,  she found that some of the squares are blur whilst some are clearer. She took my medicine for about for two weeks and found that her vision improved.  She came back and told me that she wished to have another 20 days of medicine to prevent future occurrence. 

Few months later, she came back to see me and told me that she came back from HongKong and her left eye became red again.  She went to see eye specialist again and was told the this time she had red eye and not Uveitis.  She was prescribed antibiotic eye drop and western medicine. She used it for a few days, her eye was still red.  She asked for Chinese herbs to clear the redness in her eyes. After taking out TCM medicine, her redness subsided. She felt relieved.

Retinitis Pigmentosa (Night Blindness) 视网膜色素变性(夜盲症)
The Retinitis Pigmentosa RP (also known as night blindness) Eye disease may affect people ranging from 8~65 years old, especially the young adults, According to the statistics, it affects approximately 1/3500~1/4500 and 1~2/5000 newborn. Estimated figures show that 1.5 million people in the world suffers from this disease.  There are many people in Singapore suffering from Retinitis Pigmentosa RP, estimated to be more than 1000 people in Singapore.  

 If you are unable to view the above video, please log in to the link below:

Retinitis Pigmentosa is also called Night Blindness as the sufferers do not see well at night. They usually do not wish to go out at night and they walk very slow when they walk down the staircases. Their vision-field (视野)is very poor, they could not see wide angle especially both sides, up and down. Very often they central vision are quite good. Their dark adaption (暗适应)is also poor.
In RP patients it shows hereditary characters such as autosomal dominant, adRP, autosomal recessive, arRP and X-linked manner, xlRP etc. The autosomal dominant develops slowly and comparatively later in age with less changes in electroretinograms, ERG; whereas autosomal recessive often develop in early stage, condition become serious and chronic with more changes in electroretinograms. Most often, patients lose their eyesight at age 40.

The Primary Retinitis Pigmentosa RP is the common inherent eye disease which causes visual deficiency. It describes a genetically and clinically heterogeneous group of disorders that are characterized by gradual degeneration of photoreceptor cells and the pigment epithelial cell (RPE). Common clinical features include a progressive loss of night vision, visual field eventually leading to blindness.

The Retinitis Pigmentosa disease may affect people ranging from 8~65 years old, especially the young adults, According to the statistics, it affects approximately 1/3500~1/4500 and 1~2/5000 newborn. Estimated figures show that 1.5 million people in the world suffers from this disease.
Although many research & experimental studies had been carried out in the past years. There is still no effective treatment method to date. It has become key research topic for many ophthalmologists. 

Many people who suffer Retinitis Pigmentosa RP came to see our TCM physicians. They are happy that they find TCM physicians who studied Eye Diseases and know what is Retinitis Pigmentosa. As they have seen Western Doctor and knew that this disease is hereditary, slowly their photo-receptor cells fall off and their eye-sight may deteriorate. They said their doctor told them that nothing much they can do for them except to monitor their Retinitis Pigmentosa RP situation. 

Dr. Ong Swee Ling has graduated with a Doctorate degree in Ophthalmology from Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine. With a team of TCM physicians, we treat RP patients and other eye diseases such as Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), Diabetic Retinal Degeneration and Glaucoma. 

Most TCM physicians do not study much about eye diseases in their TCM courses. With a team of TCM physicians in our Yong Kang Medical Hall Pte Ltd (a TCM clinic), we have treated many patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP).  We have also treated many other eye diseases such as Age-related Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinal Degeneration and Glaucoma. 

The followings are three cases of RP patients that have shown improvement:
An 8 year old girl came to see us for her night blindness. Her mother told us that when she read her books, she would place her book at a very short distance to her face which they found very strange. Her parents were discouraged when they were informed that RP is incurable. They wanted to find a cure for their daughter’s ailing eye-sight so they brought her for acupuncture treatment and herbal medicine prescription.  After 20 sessions of acupuncture, their daughter’s eye-sight improved. She could read her books from 12 inches away (previously 6 inches away). She could also see the black board better in class. Gradually, her mother said her eye-sight has improved.

A taxi driver, age 56. He first sought treatment with our TCM physician about 10 years ago.  He came faithfully for acupuncture and consumed herbal medicine. He told us that he gave up his driving because his car repair bills were more than his collection. He changed his job to become a reflexologist. Today, his visual field is maintained. 

A man, age 38, suffered from night blindness. He came to our clinic for treatment. After the first session of acupuncture, he told us that he could see clearer and his vision was brighter.  He came for several sessions of treatment, he said that his vision field was wider, the brightness was still there and his vision continued to improve.  He liked to ride motorbike as a hobby. He traveled to Malaysia often. Normally, two of his friends would escort him on both sides when he rode his motorbike. His friends were surprised that he could see the animals on the side of the road which he could not previously. We advised him since he had RP, it was better to stop ridding motorbike.  He replied that was his hobby, he did not want to give up his ridding.  He said he bought a very good bike that cost him S$32,000.  He said he traveled at 240 km/hr on bright day light and 180 km/hr at night on Malaysia road. He enjoyed ridding motorbike.  

You may log on to the following YouTube to view Retinitis Pigmentosa RP:

            If you are unable to view the video, you can log in to:
More Information on Retinitis Pigmentosa RP
 The Primary Retinitis Pigmentosa RP is the common inherent eye disease which causes visual deficiency.   It describes a genetically and clinically heterogeneous group of disorders that are characterized by gradual degeneration of photoreceptor cells and the pigment epithelial cell (RPE). Common clinical features include a progressive loss of night vision, visual field eventually leading to blindness.

The Retinitis Pigmentosa disease may affect people ranging from 8~65 years old, especially the young adults, According to the statistics, it affects approximately 1/3500~1/4500 and 1~2/5000 newborn. Estimated figures show that 1.5 million people in the world suffers from this disease.

In RP patients it shows hereditary characters such as autosomal dominant, adRP, autosomal recessive, arRP and X-linked manner, xlRP etc. The autosomal dominant develops slowly and comparatively later in age with less changes in electroretinograms, ERG; whereas autosomal recessive often develop in early stage, condition become serious and chronic with more changes in electroretinograms. Most often, patients lose their eyesight at age 40.

Although many research & experimental studies had been carried out in the past years. There is still no effective treatment method to date. It has become key research topic for many ophthalmologists.  

From our clinical experience, we treat RP patients with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, the outcome is encouraging. 

Below is one of our patients who did a scan on his retinal and found that the blood supply to the retinal was poor and after the treatment, the blood supply to the retinal were much better, hence the deterioration of RP is lessened and vision improved.

Retinitis Pigmentosa is also called Night Blindness as the sufferers do not see well at night. They usually do not wish to go out at night and they walk very slow when they walk down the staircases. Their vision-field (视野)is very poor, they could not see wide angle especially both sides, up and down. Very often they central vision are quite good. Their dark adaption (暗适应)is also poor.
Although many research & experimental studies had been carried out in the past years. There is still no effective treatment method to date. It has become key research topic for many ophthalmologists. 
I had learned under Professor Deng Sue Hua 丁淑华教授.  She is a senior lecturer in Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and also a senior ophthalmologist attached with Jiangsu Province TCM Hospital (江苏省中医院). She specializes on eyes diseases especially on those eye diseases that cannot be treated or have little hope of improvement or still in research stage by Western medicine such as Retinitis Pigmentosa (commonly known as Night Blindness), Age-related Macula Degeneration, Maculopathy, Retinopathy, Optic Nerve Atrophy etc.

TCM physicians used acupuncture treatment and TCM herbal medicine to treat eye diseases. When I was doing my doctorate in Nanjing University of Traditional Medicine, I read many journals written by researchers on eye diseases. They are from different universities in China, some were from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine(京中医药大学), Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine(上海中医药大学) , Fudan University (复旦大学) and Guanzhou University of Chinese Medicine (广州中医药大学). They mentioned in their journals how they used acupuncture method and Chinese herbal medicine to improve the vision and prolong the deterioration of these eye diseases. In their journals, they also mentioned that there is no effective treatment method by the Western ophthalmologists to date.
   DRY EYES   

Dry eyes can occur when you are unable to produce enough tear fluid to lubricate your eyeballs. Many people when they are old, they have mild dry eyes.  But there are cases that they suffer from very serious dry eyes that causes them to be very uncomfortable.  Dry eyes can be very frustrating as you will lose all your interest in everything because you will experience very bad mood.  There was a woman who had very bad dry eyes came to our clinic and complained of dry eyes.

She told us her story that she was asked to go to Gleneagles Hospital to delivery her fourth child. The gynecologist suggested that she should opt for induced delivery because her vagina was slightly opened.  She was young did not know that that was her fourth child, the delivery should be easy.  Not suspecting that the gynae wanted to do delivery in the daytime, also he could earn more money. 

She checked into the hospital at 8 am, he gave her medicine to take and to chew in her month.  The baby did not come.  She was given Epidural to reduce her pain. The anesthesian was anxious to go home and the baby still was not ready to come at 5pm. So she was told to have a second to-up of Epidural and the anesthesian went home.  After the second dose of Epidural, she felt numb and she felt very cold, her womb was numb that there was no contraction. She was also semi-conscious.  And because there was no contraction, the womb cannot push the baby out.  The doctor was nervous, and she could hear the nurses were calling her to push the baby out. Eventually the baby managed to come out.  Everyone was relieved for the time being.  Then she was sent to her ward.  She was happy that she had another son. Her husband also never suspected anything would go wrong and went home happily at around 8pm.  At about 11pm, the nurse on duty watched over her, and realize that she was bleeding. The nurse alerted the gynae, but he was too tired to come over.  Until the nurse called him to tell him that the bleeding did not stop.  He came eventually at around 3am to do a cauterization, and to give her blood transfusion urgently. She said that it was the blood transfusion that caused blood clots in her eyes that she subsequently had very bad dry eyes. She suspected that the blood transfusion was not properly defrosted due to the urgency.

After the episode, she had very bad dry eye, she suspected that it was caused by the un-defrosted blood transfusion.  She said that her dry eyes were so bad that she wanted to close her eyes most of the time and could not read small words.  Her mode was so bad that she could not attend to her new-borne child. To her the experience was a nightmare to her. She said that she was so sad that she wanted to commit suicide.

On recommendation, she came to our clinic, she was given acupuncture for the first time.  She could feel that the tear was flowing down on her eyes and did feel less dry of her eyes.  She marveled at the miracle of acupuncture. She came for acupuncture every week and took medication as well.  She said she was happy that her dry eyes had recovered about 95%. 


        SQUINT EYES   

Here are some of the pictures of squint eyes:

Good news, we acupuncturists are able to correct their squint eyes, only less than ten sessions of acupuncture will be able to see some good effects.

Some websites suggest surgery to correct the squint eyes which many parents will reluctant!

We have done acupuncture for young kids and adults who suffer from squint eyes.  Depends on cases to cases some of them without serious eye diseases, usually takes about less than ten sessions of acupuncture to see some good results.

The reasons are that the eye balls are controlled by 6 ligaments, we adjust the tension of ligaments, the squint eyes can be rectified.


There are a number of patients who came to visit our clinic and complained that their eyes are very red, but their visions were still good. Some of them said that they have been using eye drops to lubricate their dry eyes for many years. Not sure for what reasons their became red.  Sometimes they friends would ask them why their eyes were so red.  They went to see Western doctor and were given eye drops but it did not improve. They came to see us for treatment, we view that it could be due to inflammation of their eyes.  TCM can reduce their red eyes by “放血疗法” together with medication. The results are satisfactory. 



Myopia, commonly known as short-sightedness, has remained one of the biggest public health challenges in Singapore, which has very high myopia rates. Myopia typically begins in early childhood and progresses during childhood.  Myopia typically begins in early childhood and progresses during childhood.

Based on unpublished data from routine vision screening done by the School Health Service, the prevalence of defective vision amounting to unaided visual acuity of 6/12 or worse among Primary 1 students was 33% in the year 2000, prior to the inception of the National Myopia Prevention Programme, 65% of Singapore students suffered from myopia by the age of 12 years. Among these 12-year-old students, the prevalence of severe defective vision (i.e. unaided visual acuity worse than 6/60) was 13% (unpublished data).

We have a few numbers of parents who care about their children’s eyesight, brought their young children to come for acupuncture and eye massage.  Most of them have short-sightedness, some of them have high myopia.  One of the mothers who has only one daughter was so caring that she refused to allow her daughter to read story books, instead she will read to her every night.  She brought her daughter fortnightly to do acupuncture.  Whenever they came, after the acupuncture, the mother will sit by her bed side to read story books to her, this went on for three long years.  The feedback the mother gave was her high myopia was slightly decrease (usually, the myopia would jump every 3 months by 100 degrees).

Acupuncture and regular massage of one’s eyes can really prevent further increase in a person’s eyesight.  Usually, children who are willing to do massage can be as early as 6 years old.  But for acupuncture, only when they are 8 years old and on the parents’ persuasion, then they will be willing to do acupuncture.  

      Drooping eyelids 眼睑下垂      

1) A 53 yr-old lady came one day, telling me that her right eyelid drooped for about a month. Her left eyelid was also partly drooped. Because both her eyes were drooped, when she walked she had to hold one of her eye lids in order to see the road. She was accompanied by her husband as she dared not walk on her own. She told me that she was doing administration work and her work required her to work on the computer for at least 8 hours a day.

I looked at her eyes. Both the eyes look tired and dull. This is what TCM calls “五脏六腑的精气皆上注于眼”. She also said she felt tired easily. I told her to take two weeks off from her work. I treated her with acupuncture and gave her some herbal Chinese medicine. After four treatments, she was able to open both her eyes slowly. She came for treatment every three days. After 8 treatments, both her eyes were able to open fully. Of course, she was delighted and relieved. She was still very worried that her eyes may relapse again because when she got back to work, she still had to look at computer for long hours.
Attached are her pictures. Pictures are cropped so that her identity is not revealed.

2) Five years ago, one elderly man, age 65 came to see me. His right eyelid was drooped for about six months. He was introduced by his friend to see me. He said his Western doctor told him to wait for six months and his eyelid would open up by itself. So he patiently waited for six months but his right eyelid still drooped.
I looked at his right eye, his eye looked tired and dull. This is what TCM calls “五脏六腑的精气皆上注于眼”. I treated him with acupuncture and some Chinese herbal medicine. Strangely, after three acupuncture sessions, his right eye was able to slowly open up. Two weeks later, his right eye was fully opened.
Attached are his pictures. Pictures are cropped so that his face is not fully revealed. For this case, I did not take his picture when his right eyelid was fully drooped. I took his pictures only when his eye was half opened and fully opened.


   Cataract 白内障    

Cataracts develop when the clear lens of your eye becomes cloudy, which leads to a decrease in vision. Cataracts often develop slowly and can affect one or both eyes. Symptoms may include cloudy or blurry vision,  trouble seeing in dark places and trouble seeing with bright lights.

Most people who turn 60 years old and above are likely to have cataract. It usually 

If you have a cataract, your lens has become cloudy. It is like looking through a foggy or dusty car windshield. Things look blurry, hazy or less colorful with a cataract.

Most age-related cataracts typically develop over a span of years, it’s a relatively slow process. However, some types of cataracts may develop faster, such as in individuals with diabetes, where cataracts can develop rapidly.

You are able to slow down the formation of cataracts:

1) Protecting your eyes from sunlight is the best way to do this. Wear sunglasses that screen out the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) light rays;

2) Eyes exercise, looking up, down, looking left side, right side, roll your eye to the right one round, to the left one round;

3) Herbal medicine, such as 祛湿,行气,燥湿药等 如藿香 砂仁 白术 杞子 陈皮;

4) Acupuncture treatments.

It is advisable to seek TCM treatment to prevent early formation of cataract. The results are visibly obvious.

Patients who do not want to have their natural lens removed would look for TCM treatments. They can find that when they look at things, they are not so cloudy.

An old woman, aged 90, told us that she had her cataract operation done at the age of 70. Her vision was good after that. Lately, her vision started to become blur again. Because of her old age, she does not want another operation, so she came to seek help from us. After the TCM treatments, although her vision was still a bit blur but it was better than before. She could see much better.

Another lady, age 70, had very high myopia, had her cataract operation done at the age of 60. Lately, she could not see well. She was very depressed as her ophthalmologist suggested another operation which she was hesitant. She had several acupuncture sessions and some medication, she said her visions improved.

A lady, age 46, told us she had cataract and was due for cataract operation.  She said she was young and was not sure why she had cataracts so early. She came to see us to explore if TCM can do anything for her to help her to see better. So, faithfully, she came for acupuncture and medication, she said she could see better and therefore she postponed her cataract operation.

Not many people aware that changing from a natural len to an artificial len DO NOT GURANTEE GOOD VISION FOR MANY YEARS. Some of them may have complications, such as infections after operation.

Another shortfall is a person will not be able to rub his eyes as it may disturb the position of the lens implanted, thus causing distortion.


                                             Cataract Picture taken from neoretina.com

                                   Intraocular lens (or IOL)
                                    Picture taken from milaneyecenter.com


The following are some of pictures taken during Dr. Ong post graduate days in Nanjing University of Traditional Medicine. Jiangsu Province Hospital is the subsidiary of Nanjing University of Traditional Medicine.

Dr. Ong Swee Ling had learned under Professor Deng Sue Hua.  She is a senior lecturer in Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and also a senior ophthalmologist attached with Jiangsu Province TCM Hospital (江苏省中医院). She specializes on eyes diseases especially on those eye diseases that cannot be treated or have little hope of improvement or still in research stage by Western medicine such as Retinitis Pigmentosa (commonly known as Night Blindness), Age-related Macula Degeneration, Maculopathy, Retinopathy, Optic Nerve Atrophy etc.

The following are some of pictures taken during Dr. Ong Swee Ling post graduate days in Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine. The following pictures were taken from the surgery theatre in Jiangsu Province Hospital. Jiangsu Province Hospital is the subsidiary of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine.

From our clinical experience, these people suffering from Retinitis Pigmentosa (commonly known as Night Blindness or RP), Age-related Macular Degeneration, Maculopathy, Retinopathy, Optic Nerve Atrophy etc do see improvement after seeking TCM treatment in our clinic. Especially, after acupuncture, they find that they see things brighter and sharper.  Some of them also find that their eyes are less itchy.  Many of them found that their vision improved and also their eye deterioration was slower.  Traditional Chinese Medicine can help to nourish the eye balls, enhance eye circulation, prevent deterioration of photo-receptors, improve general organ functions, prevent stagnation of water flow, improve "qi" flow, hence improve better vision and maintenance of eye ball health condition.

About Our Clinics
We provide 99% TCM treatments including TCM oral medicine in both powder and natural herbs, acupuncture (针灸), moxibustion (艾灸), manipulation (手法骨伤), cupping (拔罐), Tui-guan (推罐), Tui-na(推拿), scraping (刮痧), herbal wash (草药外洗), herbal creams (中药膏), herbal lotion (中药乳液), herbal plastering (骨伤中药膏外敷)等等。

We also provide consultation both in-person as well as tele-consultations for all 4 clinics. For tele-medicine, medicines can be delivered by courier services.
  (1) Yong Kang Medical Hall Pte Ltd.,  永康诊所
        Blk 78A, #01-05, Telok Blangah St 32, Singapore 101078.
        📞: 62726400   |  📱: 96635600 (appointments only)
       ✉️ :ong.swee.ling@gmail.com 
       🌐 : https://drongsweeling.blogspot.com    
       This branch is 7 minutes walk from Telok Blangah MRT 
       Our clinic is three doors away from NTUC supermarket.

     Opening Hours:
      Mondays to Fridays: 9.30am to 9.30pm;
      Saturdays : 9am to 5pm;
      Sundays: 12.30pm to 4.30m.
      Public Holidays: close 


Please note that there are other companies using the name "Yong Kang".  
Please note that Yong Kang TCM Clinic has no relation with us.


(2) Eastern  Healing TCM Clinic Pte Ltd,  东方医疗诊所
         Address: Blk 345, Clementi Ave 5,  #01-88, Singapore 120345.
        📱: 9299 9168 (appointments only)  |  📞:  6276 6872
        ✉️ : ong.swee.ling@gmail.com 
       🌐 : https://drongsweeling.blogspot.com    
        This branch is minutes walk from Clementi MRT station
        Opposite Pei Tong Primary School 培童小学

       Opening Hours:
       Mondays to Fridays: 9.30am to 9.30pm
       Saturdays & Sundays: 9am to 5pm
       Public Holidays: close

                              Treatment Area

                                Front counter

      (3) Eastern  Healing TCM Clinic (Telok Blangah) Pte Ltd,  
           东方医疗诊所 (直落布兰雅)
          Address: 46 Telok Blangah Dr, #01-85, Singapore 100046
          This branch is 2 minutes walk from Telok Blangah MRT station.
         📱: 81255212 (Appointment Only) |  📞: 69573033
         ✉️ : ong.swee.ling@gmail.com  |  🌐 : https://drongsweeling.blogspot.com    
       Opening Hours:
         Mondays to Fridays: 1.30pm to 9.30pm 
         Saturdays: 9am to 5pm
         Sundays: 9am to 1pm
         Public Holidays: close
Please Note: On Sundays, if you wish to come in the afternoon, 
You may walk to Yong Kang Medical Hall Pte Ltd 
at Blk 78A #01-05, Telok Blangah St 32, Singapore 101078 which is open on all Sundays from 12.30pm  to 4.30pm. 
       Yong Kang Medical Hall Pte Ltd is only 6 minutes walk from Telok Blangah MRT station.
                  Front entrance of Easter Healing TCM Clinic at 
                  Blk 46, #01-85, Telok Blangah Drive, S100046.

Reception counter 

Dispensary Dept

                                 Treatment Area

(4)Eastern Healing TCM Clinic (Macpherson) 
          Pte Ltd 
Address: Blk 91, #01-3025, Paya Lebar Way, 
                Singapore 370091. 

Opening Hours:
       Mondays to Fridays: 9.30am to 9.30pm
       Saturdays & Sundays: 9am to 5pm
       Public Holidays: close

Tel:    📱80969866 (Please text for appointment)
This clinic is 6 minutes walk from Machpherson MRT station,
This clinic is 10 minutes walk from Mattar MRT station,
This clinic is 15 minutes walk from Ajuni MRT station,
This clinic is 15 minute walk from Paya Lebar MRT station 

✉️ : ong.swee.ling@gmail.com    🌐 : https://DrOngSweeLing.blogspot.com    
                             Front Entrance

Front Entrance

Front Counter

     Front Counter
 Treatment Area


Consultation Room

 Area outside the clinic
We treat the following ailments:

1)Skin Diase:Eczema ,Prosiasis , Hives, Shingle, Acne

2)Neck Pai, Back Pai, Knee Pain

3)  Stroke

4)Hair Loss

5) Cancer, Tumur 癌症, 肿瘤;

6)Infertility, Menstrual Issues,Endometrisis,PCOS;

7)Gastric, Acid Reflux, Bloatedness, Ulcer

8)Irritable Bowel Syndrome;

9)Frozen Shoulder, Trigger Fingers

10)Vertigo ;


12)Anal Fistula;

13)Parkinson’s Disease;

14)Bell's palsy;

15)Trigeminal Neuralgia;

16) Sleep Apnea

17) Scrotum Itchiness

18) Dry Eye, Glucoma, Myopia;

19) Age-related Macular Degeneration,

20) Sprin and Injury;




2)颈椎病,  腰椎病,  膝盖痛;



5) 癌症, 肿瘤

6) 妇科病不孕不育月经病病,子宫内膜异位症,PCOS;

7) 肠胃病胃气上腻,胃胀气;

8) 肠胃激惹综合症;

9) 肩周炎弹响指;

10) Vertigo 眩晕;

11)Piles 痔疮;

12)Anal Fistula肛周脓肿;

13)Parkinson 帕金森;

14)Bell's palsy口眼喎斜;

15)Trigeminal Neuralgia三叉神经痛;

16)Sleep Apnea睡眠呼吸暂停;


18)Scrotum Itchiness 睾丸瘙痒;

19)眼科老年性黄斑病变, 干眼症, 青光眼,抖鸡眼,近视眼;



Medical Charges 诊所收费表

Item NameUnit PriceComments
CONSULTATION FEES$20.00First consultation
CONSULTATION FEES - LONG$20.00 - 50.00Longer consultations may cost more
HERBAL MEDICINE (1X A DAY)$4.80 - 5.50 
HERBAL MEDICINE (2X A DAY)$9.00 - 9.80 
HERBAL MEDICINE (3X A DAY)$12.00 - 13.80 
HERBAL CREAM PER TUB $10.00 - 25.00Depends on quantity
HERBAL WASH PER PACK$12.00 - 16.00Depends on herbs used
HERBAL PLASTERING $10.00 - 40.00Depends on size of plaster and herbs used
HERBAL POWDER for external use$10.00 - 30.00Depends on weight (30gm, 60gm or 100gm) and herbs used
Q OIL for external use$15.00 
BANDAGE for SPRAIN  $15.00-20.00 

Our company reserves the right to revise charges without notice.
TCM Treatment Charges 诊所收费表
Item NameSingle TimePackagePackage Description
$40-50$400.0010 sessions 
 ACUPUNCTURE   COMPREHANSIVE 针灸$50-55$450.0010 sessions 
 60 MIN TUI-NA 推拿理疗$60.00$560.0010 sessions 
 60 MIN MI GUAN 秘罐$66.00$600.0010 sessions 
 60 MIN MI GUAN PLUS TUI   GUAN JIU 秘罐+推罐灸$66.00$600.0010 sessions 
 60 MIN TUI GUAN JIU 推罐灸$72.00$660.0010 sessions 
 SLIMMING (ACUPUNCTURE   ONLY)$70.00$680.0010 sessions of acupuncture for 1 month (without medicine)
 SLIMMING (MEDICINE ONLY;   1 WEEK MEDICINE)$70.00$260Medicine for 1 week; no package
 HAIR LOSS (MASSAGE AND   ACUPUNCTURE ONLY)$73.00$540.00Lotion massage plus 8 sessions of acupuncture for 1 month (without medicine)
$800.00Lotion massage and 8 sessions of acupuncture for 1 month (with medicine for 4 weeks)
 Lymphatic Massage 
S$80 first time only $880  10 sessions 
CUPPING $20.00NANo package
 NECK TRACTION  $20NANo package
 AI JIU HE 艾灸盒  $15.00NA No package
Please note TUI-NA 推拿理疗  is only available in Eastern Healing TCM Clinics Pte Ltd

Our company reserves the right to revise charges without notice

 Concession may be given to deserving cases.    



Please call for appointments:
Yong Kang Medical Hall Telok Blangah branch, Tel: 6272 6400, 9663 5600,
Eastern Healing TCM Clinic Telok Blangah branch Tel: 69573033 or 8125 5212;
Eastern Healing TCM Clinic Clement branch at Tel:6276 6872 or 9299 9168;Eastern Healing TCM Clinic Macpherson branch at Tel: or 8096 9866. 

At Eastern Healing and Yong Kang Medical Hall, we have more than 30 years of experience. We pride ourselves on having a team of highly qualified physicians, all registered with the Ministry of Health. They each bring 10 to 20+ years of extensive clinical experience to their practice. Our practitioners are adept at treating a variety of conditions, including eczema, hives, acne, psoriasis, hair loss, obesity, neck pain, hypertension, diabetes, vertigo, and many other common ailments.

Our physicians are caring and compassionate towards our patients and our primary goal is to alleviate our patients' pain and discomfort while promoting healing. We are dedicated to providing compassionate and effective care, ensuring each patient receives the attention and treatment they deserve.

Our speciality is in treating skin issues. Our extensive experience has enabled us to successfully treat countless patients, providing them with effective and natural relief. We proudly adopt 99% traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) methods to treat a variety of skin diseases. Our carefully formulated solutions focus on treating the root causes of skin problems, helping you achieve healthier, clearer skin.

Are you tired of struggling with eczema, psoriasis, hives, or other persistent skin issues? You’re not alone. Many people face these challenges, and finding effective relief can be frustrating. We understand how these conditions can affect your daily life, and we're here to help.

Why Choose our TCM Clinics?

  • Holistic Healing: Addresses the root causes of your illness and imbalances in your body to boost your overall well-being 
  • Natural Ingredients: Our treatments are formulated with pure, traditional herbs 
  • Customized Solutions: Our treatments are tailored to your specific condition and needs.

What We Offer:

  • Personalized Consultations: We assess your unique situation and recommend TCM treatments most suited for you.
  • Effective Products: We utilise time-tested herbs and practices proven to be effective to heal your problems
  • Ongoing Support: Our qualified and experienced physicians offer expert advice and guidance throughout your healing journey with us.

Our Comprehensive TCM Approach Includes:

  • Chinese Natural Herbs (草药): Time-tested remedies to restore balance and promote healing.
  • Granular Powder (中药粉): Convenient and potent formulations for internal health.
  • Tablets (药丸): Easy-to-take solutions for ongoing support.
  • Syrup (药水): Liquid formulations for targeted relief.
  • Acupuncture (针灸): Stimulate your body's healing processes.
  • Blood Letting (放血疗法): Traditional practice to address internal imbalances.
  • Herbal Wash (外洗): External treatments to soothe and heal your problems.
  • Herbal Creams (中药膏) and Lotions (中药液): Topical applications to directly treat skin conditions
  • Physical Therapy (推罐,拔罐,等等): Improve blood and heat circulation, to enhance healing, improve immune response, relief muscle tension, increase energy and overall well being

Take the First Step Towards Healthier Skin With Us Today! 

Visit our website https://drongsweeling.blogspot.com or contact us today to schedule your consultation with us! 


 Dr. Ong Swee Ling with some the staff of Yong Kang Medical Hall Pte Ltd in 2016
      Dr. Ong Swee Ling with all the other TCM physicians of Yong Kang Medical Hall attending Seminar on 4th Dec 2016

                                                    Picture with the Principal of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 


To read more:

In Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, many TCM ophthalmologists and PhD students have also submitted their research articles in some of the famous journals such as 《眼科研究》、《临床眼科杂志》、 《中国实用眼科杂志》 、《针灸临床杂志》 and 《眼科学报》.  

All these researches/Journals have shown good improvement for these patients.
Here are some of the research/Jorunals articles:

广州中医药大学  硕士论文  

第三军医大学西南眼科医院   赵同涛博士论文

第三军医大学  博士论文  

第三军医大学  硕士论文 

复旦大学  硕士论文  


黑龙江中医药大学  硕士论文  




大连医科大学  硕士论文  

浙江大学  硕士论文  

《针灸临床杂志》  2006 09

黑龙江中医药大学  硕士论文  2009


《实用医技杂志》  2006 10

Treatments for retinitis pigmentosa with acupuncture and TCM herbal medicine have demonstrated positive clinical outcomes in several studies/thesis by many universities in China. These studies were published in many well-known journals.

A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Acupuncture and Moxibustion concludes that acupuncture treatment protects the optic nerve from damage caused by intraocular pressure by alleviating stresses on retinal and optic nerve axonal ultrastructures.

The Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine published that the use of Chinese medicine improved retinal cone activity for patients with retinitis pigmentosa, even in cases of advanced retinal degeneration. Using electroretinograms for the investigation, the study also concludes that, “TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) treatment could also enhance the bioactivity of (the) nerve network and therefore have a definite significance in retarding the progression of disease and keeping the central vision.”
It said that the methods used by TCM, namely acupuncture and TCM herbal medicine can improve effectively the function and metabolism of optic cell, promote blood circulation of the retina, enhance the visual acuity and protect the central vision for the patients.  

There is an article from Healthcare Medicine Institute. This article finds that acupuncture Improves eyesight for retinitis pigmentosa. It also said that patients receiving acupuncture (ranging from ages 7-75 years) showed significant improvement and a halting of deterioration of the visual field.

This article said the study finds acupuncture effective in significantly improving eyesight for patients with retinitis pigmentosa(RP).  Acupuncture improved overall eyesight and improved issues of dark to light adaptation and nyctalopia (night blindness).

The study said patients received 10 thirty minute acupuncture treatments over a two week period. Testing showed that some of the patients improved in both eyes after only one week of acupuncture treatment and the results lasted between 10 to 12 months.  Dark adaptation increased significantly in patients. Night vision and the ability to see in darkened regions improved significantly in patients.


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